A dear friend had the audacity to up and move her precious family half way across America. She left California and ended up all the way over in Oklahoma!!! And now I think she’s trying to soften the blow. . .with a gorgeous recipe for Lemon Buttermilk Sherbert.
In one glorious act of defiance, I was determined not to like it. After all . . . liking it was tantamount to giving my seal of approval to their cross-country move, right?
Okay, well, maybe that’s a little dramatic. Besides, it did sound delicious!
“K” knows I make my own luscious buttermilk, too, so this is definitely a healthier (and cheaper!!) alternative to regular ice creams (which really are my only ‘sweet’ downfall). And this recipe particularly rocks since buttermilk is the only dairy product that two of my four kids are allowed due to their lactose issues.
See my post here for how to have a continual, inexpensive supply of buttermilk for baking, drinking, or treats like this one.
Lemon Buttermilk Sherbert
- 2 cups buttermilk
- Finely grated zest of 2 lemons
- 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
- 2/3 cup light agave nectar, or 1/2 cup white sugar
- Mix ingredients together (ensuring sugar dissolves, if you are using it)
- Transfer mixture to an electric or manual ice cream maker.
- Use as per the manufacturer’s directions.
- Wait for the magic to happen!
K assures me that making it with limes produces equally stunning results. Not sure I can pull myself away from this version to try, though. . .it’s like eating summer sunshine!
(Photo courtesy of publicdomainpictures.net and can be found here)
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